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Elcom­Soft Foren­sic Tools

Get foren­sic access to pro­tect­ed data.


Get foren­sic access to pro­tect­ed data

Prod­uct Name(s)

  • Elcom­soft Pre­mi­um Foren­sic Bun­dle
  • Elcom­soft Desc­top Foren­sic Bun­dle
  • Elcom­soft Mobile Foren­sic Bun­dle
  • Elcom­soft Dis­trib­uted Pass­word Recov­ery
  • Elcom­soft iOS Foren­sic Toolk­it
  • Elcom­soft Phone Break­er
  • Elcom­soft Cloud Explor­er
  • Elcom­soft Explor­er for What­sApp
  • Elcom­soft Foren­sic Disk Decryp­tor
  • Elcom­soft Pass­word Dig­ger
  • Elcom­soft Phone View­er
  • Advanced EFS Data Recov­ery

Short Descrip­tion

The com­plete set of tools for desk­top and mobile foren­sics.


Depend­ing on prod­uct

Descrip­tion: Pre­mi­um Foren­sic Bun­dle

Elcom­soft Pre­mi­um Foren­sic Bun­dle packs top-of-the-line edi­tions every foren­sic tool they make in a sin­gle, deeply dis­count­ed kit. Extract data from mobile devices, unlock doc­u­ments, decrypt archives, break into encrypt­ed con­tain­ers, view and ana­lyze evi­dence.

The com­plete suite of Elcom­Soft pass­word recov­ery tools allows cor­po­rate and gov­ern­ment cus­tomers to unpro­tect disks and sys­tems and decrypt files and doc­u­ments pro­tect­ed with pop­u­lar appli­ca­tions. Based on in-house tests as well as feed­back from Elcom­Soft valu­able cus­tomers, these pass­word recov­ery tools are the fastest on the mar­ket, the eas­i­est to use and the least expen­sive.

Descrip­tion: Desk­top Foren­sic Bun­dle

The com­plete suite of Elcom­Soft pass­word recov­ery tools allows cor­po­rate and gov­ern­ment cus­tomers to unpro­tect disks and sys­tems and decrypt files and doc­u­ments pro­tect­ed with pop­u­lar appli­ca­tions. Based on inter­nal assess­ments, their pass­word recov­ery tools are among the fastest on the mar­ket, the eas­i­est to use and the least expen­sive.

Elcom­Soft has pio­neered many soft­ware inno­va­tions that have made it eas­i­er to recov­er lost pass­words from the oper­at­ing sys­tem, Microsoft Office prod­ucts, Adobe PDF files, ZIP and RAR archives, and a vari­ety of oth­er appli­ca­tions. The lat­est devel­op­ment rev­o­lu­tion­izes the speed of pass­word recov­ery with­out requir­ing expen­sive hard­ware.

Cer­tain Elcom­Soft pass­word recov­ery appli­ca­tions employ a rev­o­lu­tion­ary, patent­ed tech­nol­o­gy to accel­er­ate pass­word recov­ery when a com­pat­i­ble NVIDIA graph­ics card is present in addi­tion to the CPU-only mode. Cur­rent­ly sup­port­ing all GPG­PU-capa­ble NVIDIA and AMD boards, the GPU accel­er­a­tion tech­nol­o­gy offloads parts of com­pu­ta­tion­al-heavy pro­cess­ing onto the fast and high­ly scal­able proces­sors fea­tured in the NVIDIA’s lat­est graph­ic accel­er­a­tors.

Elcom­soft Desk­top Foren­sic Bun­dle allows cor­po­rate cus­tomers, IT sup­port admin­is­tra­tors, foren­sic and law enforce­ment offi­cials to gain access to var­i­ous pass­word-pro­tect­ed doc­u­ments. The pass­word recov­ery suite fea­tures the lat­est and most advanced crypt­analy­sis algo­rithms devel­oped by Elcom­Soft Research depart­ment.

Elcom­soft Desk­top Foren­sic Bun­dle is capa­ble of instant­ly recov­er­ing pass­words for a wide range of busi­ness and office appli­ca­tions, text proces­sors, spread­sheets, data­base man­age­ment pro­grams, office suites, email clients, instant mes­sen­gers, etc. Over a hun­dred dif­fer­ent file for­mats and types of pass­word encryp­tion meth­ods can be recov­ered instant­ly.

Descrip­tion: Mobile Foren­sic Bun­dle

The com­plete mobile foren­sic kit enables law enforce­ment, cor­po­rate and gov­ern­ment cus­tomers to acquire and ana­lyze the con­tent of a wide range of mobile devices. The kit allows experts to per­form phys­i­cal, log­i­cal and over-the-air acqui­si­tion of smart­phones and tablets, break mobile back­up pass­words and decrypt encrypt­ed back­ups, view and ana­lyze infor­ma­tion stored in mobile devices. Offer­ing some 30% dis­count com­pared to sep­a­rate pur­chase of tools com­pris­ing the bun­dle, the mobile foren­sic kit offers the best val­ue on the mar­ket. Based on in-house tests and cus­tomer feed­back, mobile foren­sic tools are among the best on the mar­ket, often offer­ing unique func­tion­al­i­ty that’s sim­ply not avail­able else­where.

Elcom­soft Mobile Foren­sic Bun­dle includes a num­ber of tools to acquire and ana­lyze evi­dence from a num­ber of mobile plat­forms.

Phys­i­cal and log­i­cal acqui­si­tion of iOS devices:
Extract evi­dence from 64-bit iOS devices with or with­out a jail­break. Low-lev­el extrac­tion and key­chain acqui­si­tion on jail­bro­ken devices, advanced log­i­cal for devices with­out a jail­break.

Log­i­cal acqui­si­tion of locked iOS devices
Use exist­ing lock­down records to extract evi­dence from locked iOS devices with­out a pass­code. Media files, back­ups, and shared files can be extract­ed with­out a jail­break.

Break pass­words to iOS sys­tem back­ups
Brute-force pass­words pro­tect­ing encrypt­ed iOS back­ups with a high-end tool. GPU accel­er­a­tion helps achieve unprece­dent­ed per­for­mance, while access to users’ stored pass­words enables tar­get­ed attacks with cus­tom dic­tio­nar­ies.

Obtain iCloud back­ups, down­load pho­tos and synced data, access iCloud pass­words
Elcom­Soft pro­vides the most com­pre­hen­sive iCloud acqui­si­tion solu­tion on the mar­ket, enabling foren­sic access to evi­dence stored in the cloud with and with­out the Apple ID pass­word. Access cloud back­ups, call logs, mes­sages, pass­words, con­tacts, iCloud Pho­to Library, iCloud files and a lot more.

Google foren­sics
Extract and ana­lyze user’s detailed loca­tion his­to­ry, search queries, Chrome pass­words and brows­ing his­to­ry, Gmail mes­sages, con­tacts, pho­tos, and a lot more.

Win­dows Phone, Win­dows 10 Mobile and Black­Ber­ry 10 sup­port
Extract evi­dence from devices and cloud ser­vices, recov­er mobile back­up pass­words and decrypt encrypt­ed back­ups.

Win­dows and Mac edi­tions
Most tools com­pris­ing the Bun­dle are pro­vid­ed in both Win­dows and Mac edi­tions.

View and ana­lyze evi­dence
Use the light­weight tool to browse, search and ana­lyze evi­dence. Dis­cov­er delet­ed mes­sages (includ­ing delet­ed SMS and iMes­sages in iOS back­ups), view pass­words stored in the user’s Google Account and iOS key­chain.

Access What­sApp con­ver­sa­tions
Extract, decrypt and view What­sApp com­mu­ni­ca­tion his­to­ries from a wide range of devices and cloud ser­vices.


If you are inter­est­ed, our sales con­sul­tants will be hap­py to assist you by email or phone.


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