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Mis­sion Dark­ness Fara­day Bags

The gold stan­dard in RF shield­ing.

MOS equip­ment

The gold stan­dard in RF shield­ing

Prod­uct Name(s)

  • Mis­sion Dark­ness Fara­day Bags
  • Mis­sion Dark­ness Titan­RF Fara­day Fab­ric
  • Mis­sion Dark­ness Dry Shield

Short Descrip­tion

Mil­i­tary-grade Fara­day Bags


For mobile devices


The Mis­sion Dark­ness Non-win­dow Fara­day Bag for Phones com­plete­ly blocks all wire­less sig­nals and keeps small elec­tron­ic devices shield­ed to pre­vent hack­ing, track­ing, spy­ing, and chain of cus­tody cor­rup­tion.

When a cell phone is prop­er­ly enclosed in the bag, no apps or mali­cious code can be remote­ly trig­gered or wiped, no com­mu­ni­ca­tion can pen­e­trate, and no one can access the micro­phone, cam­era, GPS loca­tion, or data.

Pri­ma­ry uses are for law enforce­ment and mil­i­tary foren­sic evi­dence col­lec­tion, defense against data theft, per­son­al secu­ri­ty, EMP pro­tec­tion, and to enhance dig­i­tal pri­va­cy.

The bag is built with a durable and water-resis­tant bal­lis­tic nylon out­er mate­r­i­al to ensure that devices and fara­day fab­ric stay dry and pro­tect­ed. The inte­ri­or includes two lay­ers of high-shield­ing Titan­RF fara­day fab­ric on all sides with dual paired seam con­struc­tion.

The bag will block all wire­less sig­nals includ­ing WiFi (2.4 & 5GHz), Blue­tooth, cell sig­nals includ­ing 5G net­works, GPS, RFID, NFC, and radio sig­nals with 60dB-80dB aver­age atten­u­a­tion from low MHz to 5GHz spec­trum.

Addi­tion­al prod­uct fea­tures include a dou­ble roll with Vel­cro clo­sure, unique ser­i­al num­ber, and trans­par­ent brand­ing pock­et.

The bag is typ­i­cal­ly used to shield cell phones, pass­ports, GPS units, transpon­ders, two-way radios, key­fobs, smart watch­es, and sim­i­lar size elec­tron­ics.


If you are inter­est­ed, our sales con­sul­tants will be hap­py to assist you by email or phone.


cur­rent­ly not avail­able