Competence – Excellence – Individuality

Integrity – Passion – Result-orientation

We commit

We provide execution, outcome and success – not only consulting

The wrong organisation cannot implement the right strategy

Measure – target – deliver

You bring the «what» – we bring the «how»

Your business requirements – our business solution

New day – new challenge

New challenge – new solution

Alpine Lin­ux Engi­neer

Your Future Respon­si­bil­i­ties:

As a Unix/Linux Engi­neer spe­cial­iz­ing in Alpine Lin­ux, you will be a key mem­ber of our Alpine Lin­ux Sup­port team pro­vid­ing expert-lev­el sup­port and engi­neer­ing ser­vices to our clients in the enter­prise and gov­ern­ment sec­tors. Your work will focus on the design, imple­men­ta­tion, and opti­miza­tion of Alpine Lin­ux envi­ron­ments, ensur­ing secure, effi­cient, and scal­able sys­tems.

  • Man­age, sup­port, and opti­mize Alpine Lin­ux-based serv­er envi­ron­ments, ensur­ing high avail­abil­i­ty, secu­ri­ty, and per­for­mance across var­i­ous client infra­struc­tures
  • Design and main­tain Dock­er con­tain­ers, Kuber­netes clus­ters, and CI/CD pipelines to facil­i­tate smooth and auto­mat­ed deploy­ments for enter­prise-grade appli­ca­tions
  • Lever­age your exper­tise in sys­tem hard­en­ing and advanced secu­ri­ty mech­a­nisms, includ­ing grse­cu­ri­ty, AppAr­mor, and SELin­ux, to secure Lin­ux-based sys­tems and mit­i­gate poten­tial vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties
  • Respon­si­ble for imple­ment­ing best prac­tices in secu­ri­ty at the OS and appli­ca­tion lev­els
  • Work close­ly with enter­prise and gov­ern­ment clients to tai­lor solu­tions that meet their spe­cif­ic needs, whether it’s build­ing scal­able serv­er envi­ron­ments, enhanc­ing secu­ri­ty, or imple­ment­ing automa­tion with Dock­er and Kuber­netes
  • Pro­vide advanced trou­bleshoot­ing sup­port for Alpine Lin­ux envi­ron­ments, opti­miz­ing per­for­mance, resolv­ing issues, and ensur­ing smooth oper­a­tions at scale
  • Col­lab­o­rate with oth­er engi­neers and sup­port staff to con­tin­u­al­ly improve the ser­vice we pro­vide, includ­ing train­ing cus­tomers on best prac­tices and new tech­nolo­gies


Required Skills and Expe­ri­ence:

  • Alpine Lin­ux Exper­tise: Deep expe­ri­ence work­ing with Alpine Lin­ux in both devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ments. You will be famil­iar with Alpine’s light­weight nature, its use in con­tain­ers, and its cus­tomiza­tion for enter­prise-lev­el envi­ron­ments.
  • Con­tainer­iza­tion & Orches­tra­tion: Exten­sive hands-on expe­ri­ence with Dock­er and Kuber­netes for man­ag­ing con­tainer­ized appli­ca­tions and orches­trat­ing large-scale con­tain­er deploy­ments. Knowl­edge of Helm, Dock­er Com­pose, and CI/CD pipelines is a plus.
  • Lin­ux Secu­ri­ty: Strong back­ground in secur­ing Lin­ux sys­tems using grse­cu­ri­ty, AppAr­mor, SELin­ux, and oth­er secu­ri­ty tools. You will be able to con­fig­ure and audit secu­ri­ty set­tings to mit­i­gate risks and hard­en sys­tems against attacks.
  • IoT & Edge Com­put­ing: Expe­ri­ence with IoT sys­tems or edge com­put­ing envi­ron­ments, par­tic­u­lar­ly using light­weight Lin­ux dis­tri­b­u­tions like Alpine for edge devices. Famil­iar­i­ty with ARM archi­tec­tures, embed­ded sys­tems, and remote mon­i­tor­ing is ben­e­fi­cial.
  • Sys­tem Admin­is­tra­tion: Exper­tise as a Linux/Unix sys­tem admin­is­tra­tor, includ­ing serv­er man­age­ment, net­work­ing, and trou­bleshoot­ing across diverse Lin­ux dis­tri­b­u­tions (espe­cial­ly Alpine, Ubun­tu, Red Hat, Cen­tOS, etc.).
  • Pro­gram­ming & Automa­tion: Famil­iar­i­ty with script­ing lan­guages such as Ash, Python, or Go for automa­tion and sys­tem man­age­ment tasks. Expe­ri­ence with Ansi­ble, Ter­raform, or sim­i­lar tools for infra­struc­ture as code is a plus.
  • Enter­prise & Gov­ern­ment Expe­ri­ence: Expe­ri­ence work­ing with large-scale enter­prise clients or gov­ern­ment agen­cies, under­stand­ing the unique require­ments and chal­lenges these sec­tors face, par­tic­u­lar­ly in terms of secu­ri­ty, com­pli­ance, and infra­struc­ture scal­a­bil­i­ty.
  • Lan­guage Pro­fi­cien­cy: Flu­en­cy in Eng­lish (both writ­ten and spo­ken) is required. Addi­tion­al lan­guages, such as Ger­man, Span­ish, or French, are advan­ta­geous.


Why Join Con­tau­ro?

  • Impact­ful Work: Con­tribute to inno­v­a­tive projects with a focus on Alpine Lin­ux in crit­i­cal infra­struc­ture, con­tainer­ized appli­ca­tions, and edge com­put­ing envi­ron­ments.
  • Cut­ting-Edge Tech­nolo­gies: Work with the lat­est advance­ments in con­tain­er orches­tra­tion (Kuber­netes), sys­tem secu­ri­ty (grse­cu­ri­ty, SELin­ux), and light­weight Lin­ux dis­tri­b­u­tions.
  • Growth Oppor­tu­ni­ties: Take part in con­tin­u­ous learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties and career devel­op­ment in a rapid­ly evolv­ing field.
  • Flex­i­ble Envi­ron­ment: Enjoy the ben­e­fits of a remote-first com­pa­ny, offer­ing flex­i­bil­i­ty and a col­lab­o­ra­tive work cul­ture.


How to Apply:

If you are pas­sion­ate about Alpine Lin­ux, con­tainer­iza­tion tech­nolo­gies, secu­ri­ty engi­neer­ing, and IoT/edge com­put­ing, we invite you to apply and join our grow­ing Alpine Lin­ux team. We look for­ward to receiv­ing your appli­ca­tion doc­u­ments in Word or PDF for­mat. You can also send your resume and cov­er let­ter by email to Please men­tion the rel­e­vant job ref­er­ence num­ber.


Job ref­er­ence: 14153
Cat­e­go­ry: Sys­tem Engi­neer­ing
Indus­try: Con­sult­ing
Expe­ri­ence: Expe­ri­enced
Con­tract type: Per­ma­nent
Dura­tion: Per­ma­nent posi­tion
Work­load: Full time
Work­ing place: Cen­tral Switzer­land
Work mod­el: Remote

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